Fattoria di Fèlsina

Fattoria di Fèlsina

Words OF Giuseppe Mazzocolin

Here there are two worlds. This is Chianti [Classico], absolutely Chianti [Classico]. We are very stony, very calcareous. In the other area [to the south across where the border where Chianti Classico ends and Chianti Colli Senesi or “Chianti from the hills of Siena’ begins] we have heavy clay [Chianti, but not Chianti Classico].

The big story of Italy is that it started when everything was under the sea. When the two plates, Africa and Europe were pushing [Africa pushing north and up into mainland Europe], there was a great immersion of soils. The Apennine Mountains were developed and are part of Italy’s story. Italy is down in the hills and the mountains. This great nation was created and this is the unique story of Italy. It is a story of differences. We also have stories of differences in Chianti. We have differences in Italy, millions of differences and unique, specific clues for different kinds of productions [wine styles], and also in the estate [of Fèlsina], we enjoy these differences. Because here we have 11 vineyards that are all with houses that date back to the Middle Ages. Each vineyard has its own identity. 



Fattoria di Fèlsina is known as one of the top quality wine producers in Chianti Classico. Fèlsina has always been dedicated to quality wine production and has focused its Chianti Classico solely on Sangiovese, rather than a blend with some added international grapes such as Cabernet Sauvignon to add colour or Merlot for softer mouthfeel. Giuseppe Mazzocolin has run the estate since the late 1970s and has invested heavily in organic viticulture and terroir-focused winemaking.